One of the Tourists
This is the Kitting Factory, 7021 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA. We stayed last night in neighborhood, and I didn’t notice the club when I walked this afternoon, because I felt like very tourists-oriented area. It is like a Times Square in New York.
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Ukulele Trio
In the bottom, it said "The Hendrix of the Ukulele". It sounds very catchy and inspire to me. We might change the instrument and call "California Ukulele Trio" "The King Crimson of the Ukulele." "Play Bach and Beethoven on Ukulele." The success is almost there.
Knitting Factory
CGT played at Knitting Factory in New York at least twice before. Both places have Mayer speakers we love to play through. And LA Knitting feels much cleaner than New York one. We are very exciting to play tonight.
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Man from Kentucky
Tyler is just arrived from Louisville, Kentucky. He had a long delay in Chicago Airport because of bad weather. It looks like we all have delay in Chicago for transition of this tour.
Hamburger or Griesburger
Tom Griesgraber is opening for CGT show for this California leg. Tom is just ready to go on stage.
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Thank you LA people!
Very, very good audiences they are at the Knitting Factory. They sang Bohemian Rhapsody very well. Thank you very much who all to come to see us and see you soon!!