Chautauqua Lake
This is Chautauqua Lake in between Buffalo and Cleveland, just off the Highway 90. This is very beautiful lake and many people are having their vacation here. Chautauqua Institute is on this lake.
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Elizabeth S. Lenna Hall
We play at Elizabeth S. Lenna Hall in Chautauqua Institute at 4:00pm on Monday afternoon. We wonder how they fill the 400 seats on Monday afternoon.
Acoustic or electric
This hall is one of the nicest room ever we played. Normally, they have chamber music group every Monday. And now, we are one of them. At the sound-check, we tried to do acoustically first, but sound was wimpy, we went for a little amplification. I guess we are the first group to use amplification in this hall.
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Where are they from?
Many, many people are starting to come at 3:30 pm, I think they are staying at Institute for vacation and our performance is one of program the institute offers for vocational residence. That’s why fill the space on Monday afternoon.
Good audiences and performance
Very, very nice audiences they are at Elizabeth Hall. They received us well and listening attentively. We play mostly classic pieces along with our "Whitewater" piece.
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Thank you all!
Thank you very much who all come to see us this Monday afternoon!
I hope there is another time to play here, since this is very good place.