Escape From NY
We left at 9:30am in the morning to get to Echoes Radio somewhere in Pennsylvania to be there at noon. It was easy to get out from New York City this morning.
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Door to Door
This is Echoes Radio, and it looks like just someone's house. Actually, it is. We recorded a live performance in their living room onto a DAT tape for later use. Thanks John Diliberto for having us, and our live concert will be on air on March 24th.
See You In Febtember
CGT will play at Rams Head Tavern in Annapolis tonight. This club booked us to play last September, but it needed to postpone because of Hurricane Isabelle.
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They serve nice food and also brew great tasting beer. We had a good dinner before the show and great beer after the show.
District Venue Scouting
Very, very nice audiences they are. We are looking for a nice club near Washington, DC area. And this is a really good one.
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Thank You, Annapolis
I hope you enjoyed our show and thank you very much who all came to see us tonight. See you again soon.