Hideyo's Roadcam
Hiroshima Mon Amour - Torino, Italy - 02/11/2007

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Hiroshima Mon Amour

We play at Hiroshima Mon Amour tonight. We notice that the club gig in Italy, always out from center of the city. So, we can make a lot of noise.

Load In and Sound Check

We loaded in at 5:30 pm and did good sound check. Now waiting for food and performance will be at 10:45pm.

Back Stage

The venue have nice back stage compare to another clubs in Italy.

Ready to Rock'n'Roll

Finally, it is time for Rock'n'Roll?

Molto Grazie!!

Very, very nice audiences they are at Hiroshima Mon Amour!! Thank you for coming and see you again!!

Food of the Day

We had nice catering food in back stage. A lot of choice from Italian dishes.

Hotel of the Day

We stayed at Holiday Inn Express tonight. Nomal expectation, Holiday Inn has free high speed internet but not in Italian case.

Travelin' Musician

We drove about 250 km from Sant'llario d'Enza(RE) to Torino today.