Hideyo's Roadcam
BB King Theater - New York City, New York - 02/02/2005

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BB King Theater

We play at BB King Theater in New York City tonight. This club is just couple blocks away from Times Squire on 42nd St, between Broadway and 8th st.


There is a nice poster in front of BB King Theater. There is an opening band tonight that is call "Zappa Unplugged". Some band member from the Frank Zappa. Very looking forward to hear them.


We are doing sound check now. It is very good system they have and sound check went well. Now, we are ready for performance.

Pamelia and Theramin

Pamelia is joining tonight performance for Improvisation and Cosmo Calypso. She is excellent Theramin (Wooden Box) player.

Thank you!

Very, very nice audiences they are at BB King Theater! Thank you very much for coming and see you again!

Thank you, again!

We played many different venues in New York City, and so far, BB King Theater is the best one and we hope to come back here near future. Thank you for having us.

J&R Music store

We did promotional performance at J&R Music Store in downtown in early afternoon today. Thank you for coming!

Food of the Day

I had grilled salmon in back stage of BB King Theater. They serve very good food and grate service. Stuff took care of us very well.

Hotel of the Day

We stayed at Roosevelt Hotel near Grand Central Station. It is nice to have a hotel in walking distance from the venue. After sound check, we went back to hotel and get a little rest for performance.