Hideyo's Roadcam
Rams Head - Annapolis, Maryland - 01/26/2005

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Rams Head Tavern

This is our second time to play at Rams Head in Annapolis, Maryland near Washington D.C. They have good food and beer, so I hope we provide good music tonight.

CG3 plus 2

We are doing sound-check with Tony and Pat. Welcome back, Pat and feels very good on stage. Very looking forward to play tonight.

Set List

This is attentive set list. With couple of more performances, we will come to the best set list for this tour.

Thank you!

Very, very nice audiences they are at Rams Head! Thank you for coming and see you again!

Thank you more!

We autographed a lot of CG3 plus 2 CD and other march. Thank you for buying!

Food of the Day

I had a lunch at Baja Fresh. Three Fish Tocos. Very good fast Mexican place.

Hotel of the Day

We stay tonight at Homestead Studio Suites Hotel. Free wireless Internet.