Performance Warehouse
CGT plays at Orpheum Theater in Wichita tonight. It is an old nice theater, so we are very looking forward to playing tonight.
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1305 Seats
Tom Griesgraber is on the stage for sound check. We have nice sound, a nice place to see the performance, and a lot of seats. I'm wondering how many people come to see us on Monday night.
Timecode: Wrap!
The documentary team is filming Bert on warming up. This is their last night for film us on this tour.
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Paul and Hideyo are pausing while Bert is warming up. We still have another 2 weeks to go.
Very, very nice audiences they are at the theater. They are very supportive and enjoying our music throughout this evening.
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The More New Friends the Better
Thank you very much who all came to see us on Monday night! See you next time with your friends.