| Fancy Place!
The Bartlet Performing Arts Center near Memphis.
A Huge Packed Theatre...
CGT tours are very contrasting sometimes and that makes the tours interesting to me. The Bartlett Theatre is filled with an audience of all ages. We are surprised to see a significant number of older people today. Most of them have never heard us before.
 | ...And That Was Just Half Of It!
Tonight was a highlight in terms of the audience. During Eve it was very quiet; you could cut the silence with a knife. Those moments are magic and give us energy to carry on touring for so long.
Jarrod Tears It Up!
Jarrod during his solo in Caravan. It's great to have him along; he adds a total new element to the music and the improvs have been a lot of fun.
 | A Promoting Superhero Team!
We went out for dinner after the show with Rob, Kelly and Ron, the concert promoters. They put a lot of enthusiasm and effort into the promotion of our concert.